A Saskatchewan Rough Rider Logo on a sweater.
Sociological Interpretation:
This picture represents the strong sense of pride and admiration that Saskatchewanians have for their province. It is a well known fact that in our little province the Rough Riders come first in our hearts and we like to show this by wearing their symbol on a day to day basis.
The Rough Riders bring many things to Saskatchewan including an economic boost, entertainment, and pride. They are also a symbol as Knuttila states, a “sign that has an arbitrary, cultural, learned meaning as opposed to one that is species wide, unlearned, or instinctual”. The Rough Riders are used by people in the community to voice how proud they are to live in their province and voice their accomplishments without seeming too overly narcissistic. The symbol for the Rough Riders is displayed year round in numerous forms of paraphernalia as a reminder to all that Saskatchewan has more to it than just little farming communities.
The Rough Riders have become so prominent in Saskatchewan that one might even define it as a part of Saskatchewan’s diverse culture, as John Conway states, a piece of “the total lifeway of a person”. Saskatchewan is filled with many diverse people and all these people feel much differently about their province. Some would say that Saskatchewan is dominated by agriculture and rural communities, but others would argue that it is much more urban and industrial than it seems, and that different ethnicities flourish province wide. The one thing that the majority of Saskatchewanians would agree on is the role that the Rough Riders play in bringing the diverse cultures and communities together.
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