This is a picture of two different types and sizes of houses. On the left side, the picture shows a smaller house and the right side is a house of which a celebrity or a richer person would be able to own.
Sociological Interpertation
There are many different forms of a houses a person could have from a trailer to ones like in the picture above. Many people are unable to afford a home, which brings us to the idea of dimensions of inequality in Canada. In 1973 Statistics Canada estimated that 60% of Canadians earned income that put them into the middle class lifestyle. By 1996 only 44% of Canadians could be classified in the middle class lifestyle category. (Web posting of Dimensions of Inequality in Canada) The income of many people in Canada are so low they are unable to afford a home so many must turn to the option of renting. Comparing them to many of the celebrities today who can afford homes like the one in the picture above on the right side.
Celebrities are part of the richer population because they are able to have anything they would like and many have more than one house. Relating this to the Conflict Theory which means that there are two type of people in the Conflict Theory. There are the people who don't have and are fighting for their share and then there are the people who do have but are struggling to keep what they do have. Many people in Canada are trying to fight for their share by trying to get better jobs so they can afford a home for themselves. Lots of people must have two jobs in able to have a decent lifestyle to afford to live with the prices increasing in the economy.
Many celebrities buy houses because they want to show off their success. By purchasing big homes and many of the celebrities infact do have more than one house throughtout different places in the world. It is sad that many people are even unable to have their own home and there are celebrities who can have more than one home much bigger than what other people would dream to have.
In conclusion there will always be inequality throughtout Canada relating it back to the Conflict Theory. There will always be people who don't have and try to fight for there share and people who will have that try to keep it. Celebrities will always have an advantage compared to a lot of the other population in the world.
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