Pen and paper use to be a must for anyone who was working or going to school. You needed to write things down so you would not forget and keep track of all your records. Pen and paper has been around for a long time and now every day the pen and paper are being used fewer and fewer times. Society’s norms are forever changing and adapting to the different ways of doing things that are considered “easier” than the original way.
That is why the pen and paper are dying out and the computer and cell phone are taking over. When you go to class there are usually more and more students each semester that put their binders away and just bring their laptop to school. This is changing the way we learn in a society, the teachers no longer write board after board of notes they have already prepared slides for each class. These slides are posted on a website and you can only view them from your computer. So unless you take note for note of the slides you better get a computer because that is how you are going to see that material again.
Obviously you will need to write down little note and reminders if you have a computer or not. This was always a paper and pen thing but now with society have such advanced cell phones you can place all your important reminders in your cell phone. The cell phone will even notice you the day of the event to remind you, just in case you forgot, paper and pen cannot do that. Society’s norms for what you need for learning and school are changing. Sooner or later paper and pen will have no use and will become a rarity in society.